Liz Groom, chair of Cambridgeshire Police Federation, says she wishes colleagues taking part in this year’s Light the Lakes “all the luck in the world”.
Light the Lakes is an annual event for serving and retired police officers, their families and friends, to climb the Lake District’s 214 Wainwright fells and raise money for Care of Police Survivors (COPS). At the 2,600 foot summit of the highest fell, The Old Man of Coniston, a blue flare is lit in memory of fallen colleagues.
Liz said: “This event is physically, mentally and emotionally challenging but it is also an opportunity to build friendships and connections while paying tribute to our fallen colleagues,”
“I wish everyone taking part all the luck in the world. I hope the weather and conditions are kind to them and I hope they enjoy it and remember the very special event that it is.”
Light the Lakes began in 2012 when retired sergeant Ian Davis wanted to raise money for the orphaned children of murdered Surrey DC Heather Cooper; almost 600 climbers raised over £30,000.
The event has attracted thousands of participants since then and raised huge amounts of money for the families of officers lost in service.
This year’s event will take place on 23-24 June.
Find out more and donate: https://bit.ly/3Nj4Q9t