A police officer who took on a running challenge with his fiancée after he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) says he is proud of their achievement.
Sergeant Owen Jones and PC Zoe Pell said people’s support kept them going through their month-long fundraising and awareness campaign.
The Cambridgeshire Police Federation members were taking part in May 50K for the MS Society, with Owen aiming to run 50km during the month and Zoe 100km.
Their final total was 179.3km and they have raised more than £1,400.
Owen said: “I am really proud of what we managed to achieve and it was really quite tough going at times.
“The spring weather managed to throw everything at us, from torrential rain to mid-20C heat, yet we hit our goal completed and a bit more as well.”
Owen, who was diagnosed with MS 18 months ago, said he hoped it would help change attitudes towards the disease.
“I feel it’s really important to show that, with the right support, goals can be reached,” he said.
“Despite having an illness many people assume would consign me to a wheelchair, I have completed a distance most people would be proud of.
“We want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported us, asked us about our challenge, and really hope it has made people feel more comfortable talking about disability, visible or not.
“I would have struggled to keep going at times if it wasn’t for the support we received and the generosity of people to believe and support the cause.
“It has been a great conversation starter with most people that know us and has enlightened a lot of people about the struggles some people face, and that what is under the surface might not be what you initially see.”
Owen added: “Hopefully this money will go towards helping someone retain their independence and continue to help people understand the condition.
“We hope we have inspired at least one person to live their best life.”
You can still sponsor Owen and Zoe by clicking here.