Cambridgeshire Police Federation showed its support for members by delivering pizzas on one of the busiest nights of the year.
Branch reps visited police stations on New Year’s Eve with food, and hot and cold drinks, to set officers up for the evening.
Full time rep Stu Taylor was joined by Dharmanatha Porter from the Force chaplaincy in visiting Parkside police station in Cambridge.
Branch chair Liz Groom and her husband Steve, a retired officer who works for the Force as police staff, were joined by Force chaplain Lynda Taylor and her husband in supporting officers at Thorpe Wood police station in Peterborough.
Liz said: “It feels like a really good way to set our officers up for one of the busiest nights of the year, and it’s also a nice way to engage with members.
“As well as delivering pizzas, we also provided cans of drink, hot drinks, doughnuts, fruit, treats and some freebies like diaries and pens.”
Liz also delivered pizzas on Christmas Eve to officers working in the Force’s armed policing unit, roads policing team, and in Huntingdon and Fenland, while deputy chair Matt Ward delivered some to Ely police station.
The Federation was supported by Police Mortgages, which matched the branch’s funding.
Liz said: “We were really grateful for their support as it meant we were able to cover some of the more rural stations on Christmas Eve and our specialist units.
“We have been doing this for the past seven years, other than in the peak of the pandemic, and it goes down well with our members.”