Cambridgeshire Police Federation has welcomed reports that the Government is planning to spend £75 million on the latest Tasers.
The Axon Taser 10, described as a “game-changer”, makes a loud digital “sci-fi” sound effect when discharged instead of the natural electrical sound of existing models.
Home Secretary Suella Braverman is expected to unveil plans to roll it out across England and Wales at the Conservative Party Conference next month.
A report in the Sunday Mirror said the new Tasers would be given to officers from next March once they are approved for use in the UK.
The Home Office is understood to have signed a four-year procurement deal with the manufacturer.
Cambridgeshire Police Federation chair Liz Groom said every officer who wants to carry Taser should be allowed to do so.
She said: “We know from experience that Taser is a vital piece of equipment that can help protect police officers and members of the public.
“Its very presence is often enough of a deterrent and can diffuse tense situations which otherwise might escalate into violence and assaults on our members.
“Proper training and resourcing is an issue that needs to be addressed but we welcome any additional investment in this new technology and look forward to being able to deploy the next-generation Tasers at the earliest opportunity.”
Liz said it was the responsibility of the Force to ensure officers who wanted to carry Taser were properly trained and equipped.
“We have always said Taser should be made available to any frontline officer who requests it,” she said.
“That means making sure the resources are in place to provide full up-to-date training and support as well as having the equipment.
“The Police Federation has long been campaigning that all officers who want to use Taser should be trained in their use and be equipped with the devices.
“With assaults on officers rising, the least we should be able to do is give them the best equipment and the training they need to be able to protect themselves and the public.”
Tasers were first used by British police officers in 2003.