Cambridgeshire Police Federation is calling on all members to fill out the 2024 Pay and Morale Survey, so they can help fight for better pay and conditions.
Chair Liz Groom hopes that as many colleagues as possible will click on the link mailed to them this week, and express their views frankly.
She says that this first-hand evidence will ‘strengthen Fed reps’ in negotiations with the force and the new Government.
She said: “It is vitally important that voice of Cambridgeshire police officers is heard loudly by those in authority. The Federation will always make the case for our members to be paid fairly for the work they do, and to have the proper tools for the job, whilst also fighting for members’ well-being and rights.
“To do this we need to evidence the current state of policing and there is nobody better placed to speak truth to power than members themselves. I get that colleagues are incredibly busy and there may a tendency to be sceptical about ‘yet another survey’ and what can it achieve, but I really urge you to take the time to fill this in.
“Please do it for you and for your colleagues. Help us to help you.”
The Pay and Morale Survey is run by the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) every autumn and results are made available the following spring.
Last year’s survey found that 71 per cent of Cambridgeshire Police respondents felt they were not fairly paid given the hazards they face within their job, with four in five (81 per cent) saying they were worse off financially than five years ago. 41 per cent found their job highly stressful, and nine per cent had been subject to unarmed physical attack. 14 per cent were planning to quit policing within two years.
The 2024 survey asks three new questions: one about the summer riots and how officers were impacted. Another asks what aspects of policing should be considered when police pay is being reviewed and how social media influences your role.
The closing date is Monday 28 October 2024. If you have any questions or have not received the link via email please contact the Federation office.