Addiction and its impact on physical and mental health is the theme of a men’s health webinar being organised by Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW).
The online seminar will feature a series of keynote speeches and discussions as well as Q&As with the speakers.
It takes place on Teams between 10am and 12.30pm on 16 November and registration is open now for members.
Cambridgeshire Police Federation chair Liz Groom said: “There’s a range of speakers looking at men’s health from different perspectives and angles.
“It’s a chance to raise awareness of the issues relating to men’s health and to address the problems or barriers to them opening up and accessing healthcare.
“Some of the sessions will look at what we can all do to change attitudes towards health, so there’s something in there for everyone – it’s not just for men.”
The webinar will be opened by the PFEW’s Welsh co-lead Zac Mader.
Speakers will include the police service’s chief medical officer John Harrison, who will discuss how his role can influence attitudes towards men’s health.
PFEW national board member Belinda Goodwin will talk about changing attitudes, how important language and behaviour has a massive part to play in it and the role our female colleagues have in men feeling empowered to open up.
Chief inspector Stewart Codling, of Thames Valley Police, will focus on mental health and promoting a safe space where men can open up.
Nick Conn, chief executive of Help4Addiction, will talk about his experience of being a serving police officer with an addiction and his journey.
And the webinar will also hear from Oswin Croft, from the charity Movember, who will discuss why men’s health is important all year round.
Members will be able to ask questions during the sessions, and the Q&As will be hosted by Mark Jones, North Wales Police Federation secretary, and Matt Slade, Essex Police Federation equality lead.