Seek help if you are worried about your finances


PUBLISHED 26 Mar 2020

IN News

Police officers will not be alone if they run into financial problems during the coronavirus outbreak.

That is the view of Cambridgeshire Police Federation chair Liz Groom who says there are a range of organisations available to offer members help if they ever need it.

“There is practical help available from a wide range of support organisations in the form of loans, getting a mortgage payment holiday arrangement or even just advice on managing a household’s finances,” says Liz.

“If officers are struggling to make ends meet or the stresses and strains of their personal situation becomes too much, I would urge them to speak up and let us know as soon as possible.

“Financial pressures at home only add to the huge amount of strain that police officers are currently under and we want them to know we are there for them with help, advice and support.”

Belinda Goodwin, national wellbeing secretary for the Police Federation of England and Wales, has admitted the growing crisis will bring ‘unprecedented financial, mental health and physical problems’ for officers and their families.

“There’s no escaping the fact finances will be stretched to breaking point and we’ll all be placed under a new type of pressure which none of us has ever experienced before,” she explained.

“As police officers, we cope with the unimaginable every day. This though is a brand new, unknown challenge which we’ll face together and head-on as always. At this difficult time, there’s one piece of advice the Federation can give members which will have far-reaching consequences: please don’t bury your head in the sand and think this will just pass over.”

Belinda added: “For many years the Federation has worked alongside business partners to offer member benefits and discounts on a range of products. These partners are now stepping up to the mark to help you with your finances and wellbeing.”

Visit the Federation’s financial support page for more information or contact the Cambridgeshire Police Federation office staff, full-time officials or workplace representatives if you are worried about your finances.