Effective health & safety management
The role of the Police federation is to work in partnership with all members of the Police Service to create a workplace where everyone has an opportunity to contribute to an effective Health & Safety management system.
In the work place the health & Safety at Work Act 1974 as amended by the police (Health & Safety) Act 1997 has an important statutory role for the Police Federation. We have appointed Safety Representatives and their primary function is to represent Police officers in consultation with the employer on health and safety matters. In addition their other statutory functions are:
- To investigate potential hazards and dangerous occurrences in the workplace.
- To examine causes of accidents in the workplace.
- To investigate complaints by any employee they represent relating to employee’s health, safety or well-being at work.
- To make representations to management on general matters affecting the health, safety or wellbeing at work of employees in the workplace.
- To carry out inspections.
- To represent officers during consultations in the workplace with Inspectors of the Health and Safety Executive and any other enforcing authority and to receive information from those inspectors.
- To attend meetings of Safety Representatives.
The following members of Cambridgeshire Police Federation are trained to give Health and Safety Advice: