Fed member shares excitement at leading colleagues into Great Eastern Run


PUBLISHED 27 Sep 2024

IN News

A Cambridgeshire Police Federation member says it is a ‘privilege’ to lead a team of 32 police officers and staff into a charity run next month.

Sergeant Ollie Plant and his crew of runners are gearing up for the Great Eastern Run on Sunday (13 October), an annual event in Peterborough that is equivalent to a half-marathon.

The group are tackling the 13.1-mile course to fundraise for Peterborough Women’s Aid (PWA), a charity that supports women who have experienced domestic abuse.

Ollie said: “I love the fact that so many of us have signed up for the run. I think it portrays Cambridgeshire Constabulary in a really good light and shows we’re a force of really good people.

“After the significant response to PWA when they first gauged general interest, I was approached to lead the team. I am the chair of the Constabulary’s athletics club and have a big passion for running, so I was hugely honoured to be asked.”

PWA is Peterborough’s specialist domestic abuse service and has delivered its platform since 1975. The organisation provide refuge accommodation for women and children who have fled high-risk environments and hosts a dedicated advice line, public awareness sessions and a community space for peer support and empowerment.

The charity also assists women with aftercare and resettlement once they are further down the line in their guidance.

“We are raising money for a fantastic cause who do vital work in our area. Many of our officers have worked with PWA, often in critical situations, and have only ever had good things to say about them.

“They go above and beyond to safeguard women in real danger and that is obviously crucial,” Ollie continued.

The 25-year-old went on to discuss his team, which he says is made up of a mixture of abilities and fitness levels.

“I think we span all the way from novice to seasoned across the 32 of us.

“Some people have got together to do group training and I know for certain there has been a lot of people training on their own – some even joining running clubs to get ready, which is superb commitment.”

Ollie, who ran a marathon based around the historic site of Flanders Fields in Belgium on Sunday, 15 September, revealed each member of the team has an individual fundraising target of £120.

Various efforts to reach this target have seen their collective total pass £3,000, with time left for further donations.

Federation members can back Ollie and the team by visiting their JustGiving page.