Members considering seeking election as workplace Federation representatives must submit their nomination forms by today (Friday 24 January).
The nomination period opened on 30 December and will close today, with all members being sent an email about the elections process.
The Force’s constables, sergeants and inspecting ranks, as well as Specials, can stand in the local workplace representative elections. Federation branches across the country are making a special plea to members from under-represented groups to consider putting themselves forward to become reps to help better reflect the diversity of the membership.
Liz Groom, chair of Cambridgeshire Police Federation, is urging anyone interested in becoming a rep to find out more about the role as soon as possible by contacting the Federation office, speaking to current reps or reading online resources.
“The Federation plays an essential role in the way in which the Force operates,” says Liz, “From liaising with the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Chief Constable and other senior officers to supporting members in conduct processes, the Federation represents its members, giving them a voice and advocating for fair treatment for all.
“We need a strong and effective Police Federation branch, and that relies on us having a team of dedicated workplace reps who are committed to doing their best for the membership and for the police service.
“Being a workplace representative can be very rewarding in terms of being able to help your colleagues when they need your support. But it is not without its challenges, not least carrying out the voluntary role alongside policing duties.
“Training courses are offered by the Federation to enable reps to carry out their role and further support is also available.”
Online voting for the workplace representative candidates, which is open to all members, launches on 3 February and closes on 23 February. The results will be announced on 27 February.
Successful candidates become part of the Cambridgeshire Police Federation Branch Council. From there, they can stand to be on the local Branch Board, then stand for a regional or a national role if they wish.
All Federation branches across England and Wales are currently running elections with the process being completed by 1 October when the new National Board will be in place.
As well as voting in the local workplace rep elections, members will later be invited – though the electronic voting system – to vote for their local chair and, during the summer, the national chair.
Find out more about the role of a workplace rep.
Read more about the elections on Page 3 of our winter members’ magazine Fedline.